Monday, November 25, 2013

[Bukkit] CrashRestarter Plugin 1.6.4

Name:CrashRestarter Plugin
For Versions: Minecraft 1.6.4
Compatility: All
Requires: None
Updated: November, 2013
Category : Bukkit Plugins


Does your server crash randomly and unexpectedly? Use this plugin to Detect if your server has Crashed!

How it works

It countdowns from 10 Minutes (configurable) and when it reaches 2 minutes (configurable) it broadcasts the message “Server crash detected, please speak to reset timer.”(configurable) and when it reaches 0 it runs the command “Stop” (configurable) . The timer reset’s when either someone talks or a player runs any command. If the server is empty for more then 20 minutes (configurable) it will also restart to make sure the server hasn’t crashed.


Default config:
# CrashRestarter V1.3 By Dablakbandit
# Enabled or Disabled. (True/False)
Enabled: True

# -------------------------TIMINGS-------------------------
# Time for detection length. (In Minutes)
Time: 10
# At what time to broadcast message. (In Minutes)
Broadcasttime: 2
# If no players are online, how long for it to check crashes. (In Minutes)
Empty: 20

# -------------------------MESSAGES-------------------------
# Broadcast message. (Keep the "")
Message: "Server crash detected, please speak to reset timer."
# Console Command to run (Keep the "")
Command: "Stop"

# -------------------------DETECTION-------------------------
# On what player interaction should the timer reset? (True/False)
Chat: True
Commands: True
BlockBreak: True
BlockPlace: True

# -------------------------OTHER-------------------------
# Debugging, Tells console how long till server restarts. (True/False)
Debug: True
# Do not touch this! Or your config will be reset
Version: 1.3


If using tekkit or a modpack with stuff like quarry’s etc, that can break/place blocks, it is recommended to turn
BlockBreak: True
BlockPlace: True
BlockBreak: False
BlockPlace: False
As they can run even when the server may of crashed etc.


/cr : Tells the player how long the server is set to detect crashes.
You will need to edit your launch.bat to the following:
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar
goto start
Where 1024M is the amount of memory you use.
Also what i do on my server is i use SimpleRestart and set the Command to “restart now”, which kicks everyone with a configurable message in the simplerestart config. (I hope the authors of Simplerestart don’t mind me mentioning them, and if they do, i ask them to please contact me regarding this).
Tested on a 1.2.5 (tekkit) server. Am willing to code for updates if need be.
If using tekkit or a modpack with stuff like quarry’s etc, that can break/place blocks, it is recommended to turn
BlockBreak: True
BlockPlace: True
BlockBreak: False
BlockPlace: False
As they can run even when the server may of crashed etc.

To Do

  • Tell me, and ill see what i can do.
  • This is my first plugin! Tell me what you think of it.


CrashRestarter Plugin For 1.6.4:

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